

Calls in different languages are being received all the time. You just need to online on the interpreting platform to receive the calls.

Interpreting assignments are waiting for you! 😱

Complete this form to apply and start taking calls today


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There are lots of calls coming in for interpreters who work in the following languages:

Vietnamese - Polish - Karen - Korean - Hmong - Tigrinya - Somali - Haitian Creole

What are the Pools? 🚀 Pools are teams of language experts. The staff reviews each individual application to determine whether a professional can be accepted into a pool. Pools are listed here

Standard members can be part of up to three pools at the same time and Plus members up to five.

More info about pools

What is the Interpreter Network?

It's a special pool integrated with an on-demand remote interpreting service. That means that professionals in this pool can receive remote interpreting assignments as long as they are online on this platform. They carry out the interpretation remotely and they receive a payment for each assignment.

What do I need in order to join in?

The minimum requirements are:

  • Certificate or degree in interpreting, translation, or language.
  • Experience as an interpreter.
  • HIPAA-compliance certification (if you don't have this certification, will provide this training for you).

Before applying, you need to watch the introductory video and read the code of conduct.


Read code of conduct

How does it work?

Once you are accepted into the interpreter pool, you will receive an invitation to create an account in a special platform. In a few words, the platform consists of a web interface designed to let you take calls, keep track of your assignments, and see your performance.

Interpreters log in to this platform and put themselves online. Calls come in on-demand (that is to say, when a customer needs an interpreter). Usually, interpreters are not notified before an assignment. As long as you are online, you can start receiving calls. Calls are taken solely through this web interface using Google Chrome. Calls ring for all interpreters at the same time and they are connected to the interpreter that picks them up first.

Here's a video to see where you can see what the platform looks like:


Where can I know more about the Interpreter Network?

Check this page with resources . You'll find resources to get ready for the test call, recommended training, FAQs, and blog posts with stories about our interpreters.

Do interpreters bid for projects or interpretation requests?

No, calls are received on an on-demand basis. You will receive a calls if you meet certain pre-established criteria (like medical, legal, or court permissions). You will see the call ringing on the platform and you will have the option to accept it or reject it. You won't be able to interpret in that call if another interpreter takes the call first.

I am not a standard/Plus member, can I still apply?

Yes, the Interpreter Network is open for all users. Note that members still have benefits when it comes to advance payment fees.

Do I have to be a registered interpreter to join in?

No, your application to the Interpreter Network can be accepted if you meet the minimum requirements to apply. See "What do I need to join in?" above.

What are the rates?

The rate is 0.50 USD for each minute of interpretation. That is to say, 30 USD for each hour of remote interpretation. Rates can increase based on performance or if there's high demand for a particular language, however, rates won't decrease from 0.50 USD per minute. There's a payment total for each call. All payments for a given month add up to a grand monthly total. If you are an ASL interpreter, then the applicable rate is 0.90 USD per minute.

What payment methods are there?

PayPal, Skrill, Payoneer, and bank transfer.

How does payment work?

Funds for a given month will be available on ProZ*Pay from the 25th of the following month onwards. On that day you will see a button that reads Withdraw funds. Click on that button to transfer your funds via the payment method chosen previously.

You can also request an advanced payment so that you don't have to wait until the 25th. Click on the button that reads Request an advance withdrawal. Advanced payments have a fee of 10% for non-members and 5% for members.

How do I set up my payment methods?


Set up your payment methods

What types of calls do interpreters receive?

There are two types of calls: generals and specialized.

General calls include the following fields: business, community interpreting, government, education, customer service, emergencies, non-profits, and more. All active pool interpreters can receive these calls.

Specialized calls are only for interpreters with certain qualifications. There are three types: medical, legal, and court.

Medical calls represent 60-70% of the demand.

Who can take medical calls?

Only interpreters who have medical interpreting training can take these calls. This usually means completion of a 60-hour medical interpreting course.

See recommended courses here

What is the likelihood of taking a call?

Remember that calls ring for 5-7 interpreters at the same time. That means that your chances of taking a call will depend on the number of interpreters online and the number of calls coming in.

The call center manager (the person overseeing the whole service) will notify you when there's high demand for a certain language.

How long do calls usually last?

The average call duration for August 2021 is 14 minutes 26 seconds (this is a payment of 5.70 USD). Calls may be as short as five minutes or as long as two hours. Usually, medical calls are the longest, and government calls the shortest.

What is a normal call like?

You may receive voice or video calls. When the interpreter picks up the call, they must introduce themselves saying their name, their language, and their ID number. The person on the other side briefly explains the context to the interpreter. This is short consecutive interpreting. You will have some time to note down data like numbers, dates, and names, and also look for terms in your glossary or on the internet (you won't have much time, though).

Calls are not being recorded or monitored, but the customer may rate the quality of your interpretation service. When the call is over, the interpreter and the customer say goodbye courteously. Call information, as well as the corresponding payment, are recorded on the platform.Benefits for Pool interpreters




Interpreters in the Pool


Monthly interpreting calls


Interpreters taking calls


Average customer rating