Success stories

Esther Lequipe - Subtitler and AV translator, English to Spanish

Written by Jared Tabor | May 21, 2024 9:11:31 PM

Esther Lequipe is an English to Spanish subtitler and audiovisual translator specializing in education, linguistics, tourism and travel, religion, marketing. She is based in Bolivia. She is a member of the Certified PRO Network, and has also done volunteer work through the Pro bono program.

Q. How did you get started in translation / interpreting / other?

Esther: I started in translation as a volunteer translator when I was still an undergrad, first onsite and then online. Even though, I was not fully trained as a professional translator yet, except for my proficiency in English language, I wanted to get familiar with the translation industry at first hand. Later, I also collaborated as a volunteer subtitler for TED Talks, which also caught my interest, and I later decided to do a master’s in Audiovisual Translation: subtitling, localization, and dubbing. With this and my experience, I was able and ready to work on audiovisual and subtitling tasks as a pro.

Q. What are the most challenging aspects of what you do?

Esther: Two of the main challenges I face as a freelance translator is that sometimes it can be hard to have a frequent and steady workload and lately there might also be a decline in demand for translation, especially due to the latest advances in technology and artificial intelligence.

Q. Describe your best or favorite experience with a client:

Esther: I have two best experiences:

One was when I received a translation assignment of a couple of books related to Christianity and, as I’m a Christian myself and familiar with this topic, I was so happy and grateful to be part of this because it hasn’t only enriched me, but also I enjoyed the process of it and the honor to be the first reader of this book before it’s published in my language.

The other one was when I joined a subtitling project requested previously by the company I usually worked with during that time, which other colleagues were also working on. I loved this project because I was able to polish my translation and subtitling skills.

Q. What do you like best about where you are in your career now?

Esther: My freedom, as I can work as many hours as I want and is reasonable for me. Secondly, I love how some of my clients and companies I worked with appreciate my job, which encourages me to keep improving in my career.

Q. What has been the secret to your success?

Esther: Perseverance, readiness, willingness to learn and improve, and unselfishness. Nowadays, I’m even doing pro bono translation for nonprofits and Christian ministries, because one can never stop learning and improving.

Q. What advice would you give to someone just starting out?

Esther: Try to gain as much experience as possible doing pro bono jobs in the areas that you have the most interest, or even in other areas that you might get interested in. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because that’s part of the process of building your career in translation.

Q. How has helped you meet your business objectives?

Esther: has helped me in a great deal of aspects, especially at the beginning of my career. Since I’ve been a member of in 2019, some of my first clients contacted me requiring my translation services, and a couple of them became long-term clients. At first, I was a little hesitant, but a new membership option called “commission-based membership” encouraged me to give it a try as there would be nothing to lose. So, and its wonderful team has been the medium through which I was able to find my potential clients/companies, I was able to market myself, and even get some training through the webinars they offer. Last but not least, from my membership I was able to collaborate with some of the projects [projects which the Outsourcer Assistance Team manages on behalf of industry partners], which has been an honor for me to be part of. Therefore, I will always be grateful to for pushing me through starting this career and for helping me meet my business goals.

Q. What is next for you in your career?

Esther: Today I enjoy what I do and God willing, I will be getting more training to be a better professional and be up-to-date with the new technologies and AI in the translation field.

Finally, I just want to thank God for everything because I wouldn’t be where I am now without Him, remembering always that “whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” (Col. 3:23).


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