
More Ratings needed in the latest translation contest

Written by Ana Moirano | August 28, 2023

We need your vast experience to rate translations to determine finalists.

Ratings are  still open for two weeks in the latest translation contest, A translator's life, but if you were thinking about participating, don't wait! The hybrid phase closes on Friday, Sepetember 8th. Source texts are available in English, Spanish, French, Indonesian and Italian.

Don't miss it!

The timeline for this contest is:

  • July 31st - September 8th: Hybrid (ratings and voting) 
  • September 11th - September 29th: Finals
  • September 30th: Announcement of winners

Take a break, test your skills and have fun!

See the contest and submit your entry here.

Happy translating!


Who can participate?

Entry submission is limited to members, but non-members can still rate and vote for their favorite entries.

How about a source text in X language? translation contests depend on the collaboration of participants in many aspects--voting, commenting, submitting entries, and also in finding suitable source texts in various languages (especially languages in which no member of the site team is native). You can help ensure source texts in a variety of languages for future contests by proposing a text in your native language here.

More contest FAQ: Get the answers here.