The talk, titled "Human Response to a Changing Industry", will be given at 11 a.m. on Monday, March 25. It is in the first session, following the welcome and keynote.The talk will discuss how humans have responded to technological innovation in the industry already, and also look ahead at what strategies they may pursue in the future. The presentation will rely heavily on data gained from surveying translators and interpreters at (the world's largest community of linguists).
The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) is a global, non-profit trade association for the translation and localization industry. The annual conference (GALA 2019) draws delegates who come together from across the globe to learn, share, and network.
Complete program information is available on the GALA website.
Here is more about the speakers:
Henry Dotterer,
An MIT-engineer-turned-translator, Henry Dotterer founded while living in Japan in 1999. Since then, has gone on to become the web's leading venue for the exchange of language and translation services, resources and personnel. Henry lives, works, and coaches youth ice hockey in Syracuse, New York, USA.
Jared Tabor,
Jared is an ex-language teacher who has lived and worked in Argentina for the past 22 years or so. He has been working for and its community since 2007.