Blog community choice awards 2018: winners in translation

Written by Jared Tabor | November 14, 2018

The results are in. Thank you to everyone who nominated candidates, and all who voted in this year’s Community choice awards. Here are the winners in the translation-related categories:


 Blog: Best overall blog related to translation.

Thoughts on Translation - Corinne McKay



Website: Best overall professional translator's website. - Patricia Mora



Twitter: Best overall Twitter account.

@erik_hansson - Erik Hansson



Facebook page/group: Best overall Facebook page or group.

Things Translators Never Say



Podcast: Best podcast (series or single podcast).

Marketing Tips for Translators



Trainer: Active trainer in in-person or online training.

Tess Whitty



Article: Best article published (online or in print form).

When the Unthinkable Happens and Giving Up Work Isn't an Option - Nikki Graham



Book: Best book published (print or digital format). May include re-releases or new editions.

Finding and Marketing to Translation Agencies: A Practical Guide for Freelance Translators - Corinne McKay



Blog post: For a single blog post, as opposed to the "blog" category, which is based on a blog as a whole.

"Dealing with PDF files during a translation project" 

- Nancy Matis profile: Most professional/attractive profile.

Alexander Manaenkov - Games, Apps, Web |



Most helpful contributor: All-around contributions, be they in forums, in term help, on social media, etc.

Sheila Wilson




Full list of 2018 nominees:

Blog: Best overall blog related to translation.

Website: Best overall professional translator's website.

Twitter: Best overall Twitter account.

Facebook page/group: Best overall Facebook page or group.

Podcast: Best podcast (series or single podcast).

Trainer: Active trainer in in-person or online training.

Article: Best article published (online or in print form).

Book: Best book published (print or digital format). May include re-releases or new editions.

Blog post: For a single blog post, as opposed to the "blog" category, which is based on a blog as a whole. This category may include guest blog posts. profile: Most professional/attractive profile.

Most helpful contributor: All-around contributions, be they in forums, in term help, on social media, etc.


See also: community choice awards 2018: winners in interpreting