Business pages have been showcased in the Translation Company & agency directory, added to employee profiles, and have been linked other places on the site.
How can your business increase views to its business page?
Here are some actions your business can take to get more views.
Business membership
The translation agencies & companies directory returns search results based on membership tiers and is followed by non-members. Enterprise members appear first, followed by plus businesses and then standard. The 40,000+ non-member businesses are returned after the business members. Find out more about business membership at:
Link your Blue Board
The Blue Board has been an important risk management tool for language service providers since 2001. Businesses are ranked in the directory based on your Blue Board rating - and those with non-payment records are penalized.
Searchers of the business directory are able to filter results by languages, industries, services and by country. Adding all pertinent information to your page will help in search results. Fill it all out, especially information like your logo and website that appear on profile pages and will invite clicks.
If you are a confirmed employee of a business, the overall ranking for your business will appear below the search filters. (Not a confirmed employee? Reach out to the business admin, or contact
Add specific data
Consider entering only information specific to your business specialties. When looking for a partner, most businesses want to know you are experts in that area.
Be active at
The more active your business at, the more links will lead to your page. Some examples: Post language jobs, message linguists, request entries on your BlueBoard, provide translator feedback through Willingness to Work Again (WWA) and pay via ProZ*Pay.
Identify your employees
Businesses with more employees identified will rank higher and those employees will bring more links and more activity to your page.
Any feedback on business pages is welcome. To claim your business or find out more, email