Improvements to the invoicing tool

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The invoicing tool helps translators manage their invoicing and payments.

A number of small improvements have been made to the invoicing tool, based on requests from members.

  • The invoicing tool is now easier to use on mobile devices, with a modernized look and feel.
  • All world currencies are now supported, and exchange rates are updated automatically.
  • Clients can now pay invoices online using ProZ Pay or PayPal.
  • Financial reports contain more information, and key reports can be exported to spreadsheets for offline use.
  • Many bugs have been fixed.
  • Many other small features requested over the years have been implemented.

    Try the invoicing tool now

    Are there any further invoicing improvements you'd like to see? Please share your thoughts by commenting below.

Topics: freelancer, payments, invoicing, ProZ*Pay

Jason Grimes

Written by Jason Grimes

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