Weekend Plan: Wine & Profile Shine

Perfecting your ProZ.com presence

Objective: enjoy a relaxing weekend activity while reviewing and enhancing your ProZ.com profile to see it through the eyes of potential clients.

Materials Needed

Your favorite bottle of wine (or any preferred beverage)

Comfortable seating (couch, patio, garden, etc.)

Laptop or tablet

Notebook and pen (or a digital note-taking app)

Snacks (cheese, fruits, etc.)

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English Can’t Ask This Question

What is the “purpose” of a translator?

The English word “purpose” is foggy and imprecise. If I ask “What is the purpose of a translator?” I could be asking many different questions at one time. I could be asking “What role does the translator fill?” or “Why do they fill it?” I could be asking what purpose they are fulfilling for themselves, or what purpose they are fulfilling for someone else. It is a word that needs the support of other words to be understood.

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We can’t control everything

But that doesn’t mean we can’t control anything.

Welcome to another thought-provoking journey into the heart of change and its inherent tension, as presented by Gabriel Fairmain. In this post, Gabriel challenges us to reconsider our perceptions of change and dive in to discover how the dialectic of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis shapes our evolving relationship with technology and translation, and what this means for the future of our work.

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Website localization with human translators

Website localization is crucial for reaching a global audience. Localizing your website properly allows companies to tap into new markets and engage with customers in their native language. Partnering with expert translators, rather than leaving the translation to the whims of the browser, can help companies stay ahead of the competition.

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Celebrating 25 Years of ProZ.com with a Powwow

Strengthening the ProZ.com community: The power of powwows

What is a ProZ.com Powwow?

Powwows are informal gatherings of groups of ProZ.com users living in close proximity. The events are organized by local translators for local translators. 

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Contest: Submissions open for the new translation contest "Movie Night"

Contest: Congratulations winners in "A translator's life"

Contest: extension of finals phase. Vote now!

Contest: Vote now! The Contest closes in two days.

Contest: Vote for the best translations (Finals phase)

More Ratings needed in the latest ProZ.com translation contest

We need your vast experience to rate translations to determine finalists.

Ratings are  still open for two weeks in the latest ProZ.com translation contest, A translator's life, but if you were thinking about participating, don't wait! The hybrid phase closes on Friday, Sepetember 8th. Source texts are available in English, Spanish, French, Indonesian and Italian.

Don't miss it!

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Last 4 days to rate or submit entries in the latest ProZ.com translation contest

Ratings and submissions are  still open for 4 days in the latest ProZ.com translation contest, A translator's life, but if you were thinking about participating, don't wait! The hybrid phase closes on Friday, August 24th. Source texts are available in English, Spanish, French, Indonesian and Italian.

Don't miss it!

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Rate and vote for your favourite entries in the current translation contest

Last week to make your submission in the latest ProZ.com translation contest

Submissions are still open for the latest ProZ.com translation contest, A translator's life, but if you were thinking about participating, don't wait! The submissions phase closes on Friday, July 28th. Source texts are available in English, Spanish, French, Indonesian and Italian.

Don't miss it!

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