Building a sustainable freelance career with the DEEP strategy

Freelancing can be rewarding, but it also comes with challenges—especially when it comes to maintaining a steady income and a consistent workflow. One way to overcome this is through the DEEP strategy. The DEEP strategy is an approach designed to provide freelance translators with long-term stability and growth. This strategy is based on four interconnected principles: Diversification, Expansion, Elevation, and Prosperity.

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Book translation overview

Book translation is a unique field that requires both deep knowledge of the languages and the culture involved. It is not even translation but rather “rewriting” in another language or “re-authoring”, a process which is now referred to by many as transcreation. A book translator does their best to deliver the same idea as the idea of the original text, conveys the style and the energy of the original, and even may create new words in order to show a reader the fantastic world that the author created in their masterpiece. 

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