What Do We Have to Lose?

The scariest part of any change is that there is always something to lose. When confronted with change, we must determine what we will lose by changing and what we will lose by staying the same.

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A Client's Guide: How to Vet Freelancers to Ensure Reliability

Hiring a trustworthy and qualified language professional is crucial for the success of your project; but evaluating the reliability of an online freelancer can seem like an impossible task the first time you set out to hire a linguist through the Internet.

Here are six key steps to ensure you find the right candidate:

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One post, dozens of vendors, quick quotes management

Any business or individual can outsource via ProZ.com using any of these two methods:  job postings and the directory.

The directory allows outsourcers to search over 1 million linguists with over 20 search criteria, and contact them directly through their profiles. The directory represents the primary means that outsourcers use to find translators and interpreters at ProZ.com.

Job postings, on the other hand, allow outsourcers to share an offer and receive quotes from suitable language professionals. 

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Translation Crowdsourcing: Channeling a Community for Quality Results

This is a guest post from one of ProZ.com's advertising partners, Middlebury Institute of International Studies

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