Donation Drive to Celebrate 2022 Giving Tuesday Day


Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving back. With the support of language professionals and trainers, organizes this free conference which, over the years, has raised money for many different charities.

The event includes sessions from experts in the industry and a free networking space. This year, we want to support Ecologi in planting trees to help restore nature, improve the climate and positively transform society.

Participate in this virtual event by attending and making a one-time donation. As always, will match, dollar for dollar, the first $1,000 USD donated.

giving tuesday 2022-1

Three days of new activities and features for language professionals:

  • November 29: Live sessions plus a virtual meetup.
  • November 30: Online workshop on marketing with Vasiliki Prestidge.
  • December 1: Translation Slam.

On November 29th, Tuesday, language professionals from all over the world are welcome to join the live presentation with the experts Bettina Röhricht, Andrew Morris, Florencia Vita, Samuel Sebastian Holden Bramah and Sean Earp. They will share their tips on how to find and work with the best clients and how to deliver fulfilling translation work for an NGO and get paid for it. 

Sean from Ecologi will talk about some great ideas for how to restore our planet.

At the end of the presentations day, welcome to the translators networking event — Meetup. Choose a table to join and talk with your colleagues about marketing, voiceover, business tips and more. Meetups are a way to network, communicate, share, and have fun with other language professionals

giving tuesday workshop vasiliki

On November 30th, you are welcome to join the live workshop with Vasiliki. 

Vasiliki Prestidge, a certified translator and interpreter, helps aspiring translators to overcome self-limiting beliefs, build a business mindset and achieve their highest potential.

Get lots of reusable exercises that will help language professionals to identify their brand and define their niche, overcome self-limiting anxieties and more on the one-hour online workshop "Make, cast and harvest your net". 

Key takeaways:

1. Reusable exercises
2. Recyclable development tools
3. Marketing strategy development booklet


Throughout the month of November, you can get access to some excellent video recordings of 10 live panel discussions and presentations held during events and support the cause.


For more information visit the Giving Tuesday virtual event page at


giving tuesday blog


Topics: professional development, giving tuesday, meetups, Training, Events, workshop, Translation Slam

Helen Shepelenko

Written by Helen Shepelenko

Head of Training, Tools and Events. Helen has been with since 2009.

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