Translation and transcreation from Chinese into Italian of video games: challenges and successful strategies

video games


Explore the fusion of cultures: Join the online workshop on translating video games from Chinese into Italian! Dive into the intricacies of language adaptation, cultural nuances, and the art of preserving gaming experiences across borders. Uncover the secrets behind bringing Chinese gaming magic to an Italian audience. 

Event Details:

When? November 14
What time? At 13:00 GMT 
Where? Online at,

The Chinese language and the Italian language are two distant worlds, difficult to bring together, even more difficult if the goal is to produce an excellent translation of a video game with characters and objects immersed in imaginary worlds. 


In this workshop a professional translator, Chiara Covatta, will share practical examples, and help workshop attendees to find solutions to possible linguistic problems in translating video game materials into this linguistic combination, starting from genres such as role-playing and adventure video games and ending with online casinos. Chiara will also share tips on how to manage the main problems that may arise during a translation project of this type.

Chiara has been a professional translator for 14 years, translating from English and Chinese into Italian.

She possesses a deep understanding of the cultures of English-speaking countries and Asia, specializing in the fields of video games, law, commerce, and tourism. Chiara has held the position of a sworn translator at the Ancona Court for several years and is also a teacher of English, Chinese, and Italian for foreigners. Additionally, she is an expert in video games, continuously enhancing her knowledge through courses and workshops abroad.




By the way, when you successfully complete this workshop, you may wish to acquire your certificate of attendance. This certificate can be made visible on your profile and it will be added to your CPD dashboard accordingly.

Continuous professional development holds significant importance., recognizing this, has implemented a user-friendly dashboard designed to assist language professionals in monitoring their ongoing professional growth:

This feature can serve as a personal record or be showcased as a means of distinguishing yourself to potential clients and collaborators. Additionally,'s esteemed paying members are granted the privilege to include certificates of completion where applicable and even request verification of CPD items from's dedicated staff.

Happy translating and training!

All the best, Team

Topics: game localization, games, localization, Events, workshop, chinese

Helen Shepelenko | Head of Training, Tools and Events at ProZ

Written by Helen Shepelenko | Head of Training, Tools and Events at ProZ

Helen Shepelenko has contributed to the ProZ community since 2009 and later became Head of the Training department. She oversees training, tools, events, and certificates, leading initiatives like webinars and conferences to empower language professionals.

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