The Blue Board has been an important risk management tool for language service providers since 2001. It provides language professionals a place to give feedback on the likelihood of working again with an outsourcer.
Most entries highlight positive relationships. is a place where companies and language service providers meet and engage in good-faith transactions.
It is also a place to report negatively when payment has not been received. Cases of non-payment are taken seriously at
When non-payment reports are made, outsourcers now see a link to ProZ*Pay where a payment may be made immediately.
This has already helped outsourcers and translators in several ways:
- Starting payment shows money is coming, closing non-payment reports
- Often these reports are an oversight and a direct link helps speed the process
- It is easier than going through internal accounting. Payment can be made via PayPal, credit card or bank transfer and gets the money to the service provider in the way they prefer.
Outsourcers that ignore non-payment reports may be terminated from recruiting on the platform.
Language professionals are invited to help other language professionals by making entries at the Blue Board.