Pages are for businesses, profiles for individuals recently added business pages to the platform. This change brings more in line with similar platforms where businesses are displayed differently from employees.

So from now on at, profiles are for people, pages are for businesses.

This might be new to some businesses whose company identity was often shared among many employees. Every employee is now invited to build their own profile, for a unique identity. Each confirmed employee will also be able to perform actions on behalf of the business.  

What do business pages look like? 
Below is a test example of how a business page appears at The business page displays business name, slogan, logo, country, size, year established, description, languages offered, services, industries served, membership and more. Confirmed employees and business-linked activity such as Blue Board entries and jobs posted are also shown on the page.    

What are the advantages for businesses? 

  • More information is easily viewable in one place with more recognition of your brand
  • Individuals can act on behalf of businesses
  • The translation company and agency directory draws from this data
  • Membership benefits are extended to all employees (no counting seats)
  • Actions on behalf of the business can be linked on the site and from communication to the business page

How might this change my profile? 
Shown below is a test example of how a profile appears at The profile page should show an individual's photo (not a company logo), an individual's name (not the business) and this person's title or tagline. Confirmed employees will display a link to their employer's business page.  


What are the advantages for employees?

  • Increase personal trust with freelancers, putting a face to the name who is recruiting
  • An individual acts personally on the site or on behalf of the company
  • It distinguishes confirmed employees from others when communicating at
  • Build your personal brand, professional membership is available to individuals  
  • Business membership benefits are applied to all employees

If you're a business, what should you do next?
If you have not done so, be sure your business page is edited to your liking. Suggest all employees using create their own profile and confirm them as employees. Businesses with more employees registered will bring more views to your business page. If your profile still looks like a business and not a person, take some time to make that adjustment – or ask for help.



Topics: profile, translation company, directory, business membership, business page

Mike Donlin

Written by Mike Donlin

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