Timely payments are crucial for freelance translators and interpreters

In the language industry, timely payments are not just a matter of convenience, rather they are essential for maintaining a healthy and sustainable profession. Here’s why timely payments are crucial for freelance translators and interpreters, and how ProZ*Pay ensures prompt transactions.

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Getting attention from freelancers at ProZ.com

Are you capturing the interest of the best language professionals at ProZ.com? Recruiters are actively seeking out the most sought-after experts in rare languages, those with expertise, certifications and a proven track record of excellence.

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How to increase views on your business page

The business page makes it easier to connect businesses with their employees and for those employees to share business identification, membership and act on behalf of a business at ProZ.com.  Profiles are for people (freelancers and employees), while these pages can show information about the business. 

Business pages have been showcased in the Translation Company & agency directory, added to employee profiles, and have been linked other places on the site.

How can your business increase views to its business page? 

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4 tricks for better ranking in the agencies and companies directory

The Translation agencies and companies directory is where you can find translation agencies and end clients on ProZ.com.

It's easy to see where your business page ranks if you're a confirmed employee you just need to head over to the directory and you'll see it:

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Get the best match with ProZ Find

Looking for language professionals on ProZ.com for your projects? 

If you've outsourced work before on the site, then you probably have seen and even used ProZ Find to make your searches. But did you know that you can personalize your searches with many filters to find the best match?

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Mistakes to avoid when posting a job

Have you ever posted a job on ProZ.com and wondered why you didn’t get as many quotes as you had expected? 

With over 150 jobs posted in a day you need to make sure you get the attention of the right professionals.

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3 tips to get the attention of a freelance translator

Do you have an urgent request for translation? Are you screening language professionals for future opportunities? 

If so, it is likely you are contacting linguist profiles at ProZ.com. Can your message reach the right translator? Are there secrets to getting their attention? How do you break through the noise?

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Why is a complete business page important?

Your business page at ProZ.com is the way you present your business to the world. It does not matter if the viewer is a potential vendor or a potential client, if it is incomplete, you likely will not achieve your desired results. 

So...is your business page complete?

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Ukrainian list of 500+ available linguists added to crisis response page

Here is the latest update to the challenges involved with meeting Ukrainian language needs. The updated list of available professionals working in Ukrainian languages already features 580 linguists offering services in Ukrainian language, with more currently being processed.

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Translators connecting with clients for long term relationships and no commissions

ProZ.com's unique membership model means that when outsourcers and service providers connect via ProZ.com, neither side is charged any commissions or fees. When a translator, interpreter, subtitler or transcriber meets a client or provider, the relationship is yours, unencumbered, forever.

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Fund freelancer payments with PayPal using ProZ*Pay and allow payout choice

For two decades, freelance translators and language companies have met at ProZ.com and often completed transactions with payments through PayPal. The two companies were founded around the same time and PayPal has made it easier for freelancers to receive money, fast.

In some places, however, government regulations do not allow receipt of funds via PayPal. This adds complication for the language company in its payment processes and makes it difficult on the freelancer.

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Top 13 language blog posts on this site published in 2021

Did you enjoy articles on the ProZ.com blog in 2021? Over 100 posts were written and shared with the language community over the last 12 months. This post lists some of the most popular... in case you missed any.

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How can you ensure the confidentiality of your projects?

You already know what mistakes to avoid when posting a job and how to make the most of your searches with ProZ Find, as well as how to choose service providers based on their feedback and qualifications, but what if you need to ensure the confidentiality of a project?

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Business Member Spotlight: GTE Localize

GTE Localize’s Journey

GTE Localize is a global language vendor, providing translation, localization, media localization , interpretation, data collection and annotation services for all major languages in the world. In 2017, it was founded in Hanoi, Vietnam with the sole focus on Southeast Asian languages in which they have a huge competitive edge of culture understanding and reasonable high-quality resources.

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Blue Board Applications: a way to grow your business

Are you a translation agency or LSP looking to expand your pool of service providers for future projects? Or a freelancer who wants to get their name out there and be contacted by potential new clients? ProZ.com applications may be what you are looking for.

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