The latest podcast episode features Dr. Jonathan Downie's conversation with with head of training Paul Urwin around topical issues for interpreters.
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Downie covers a number of topics including some tips on work as an interpreter including
- Respond quickly to offers
- Be the interpreter who will deliver on a difficult or high level job
- Rates are a representation of how valuable your clients think you are
- Ask as an interpreter: What did the client achieve because I was there that they could not have achieved without me?
Other issues covered in the conversation include "Are we going back to the booth?". Downie, always ready with a quip better than the one before, hopes so because he "misses the free food" but believes remote interpreting is here to stay and recognizes its role during the COVID-19 pandemic.
He does hope to get back to the booth because Downie, also a researcher and PhD, recognizes that when interpreters feel distant, they make different decisions regarding their interpretation. It also limits one of the conference interpreter's great skills - reading the back of people's heads.

Take 30 mins out of your day to have a listen. Urwin keeps the pace moving with a special bell that moves from topic to topic and Downie is full of interpreter insight. After listening to the podcast, check out Downie's recent blog post "Ten Words or Phrases Translators and Interpreters Need to Stop Using".
To join Paul Urwin on a future episode, send him an email at