Ukrainian list of 500+ available linguists added to crisis response page

Here is the latest update to the challenges involved with meeting Ukrainian language needs. The updated list of available professionals working in Ukrainian languages already features 580 linguists offering services in Ukrainian language, with more currently being processed.


The latest version of the list is available for download at


This list includes Name, profile link, working languages, services, specialization, ISO17100 criteria, CPN status, and other notes. It can be downloaded as a PDF and available to all site users. site staff has worked individually with as many Ukrainian professionals as possible to curate this list.

Additional links have been created on the Ukraine response page for help searching directories, ordering translations, finding translation companies, paying, getting paid and more.

To get in touch with any of the Ukrainian service providers, open their profile page and click on "Send email".  A message form will load allowing you to include your name, email address and appropriate message. This message will arrive at their email inbox. Note: Reply rates are much higher from users who are registered and logged in at

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Alternatively, use the "More actions" button to check for other contact methods used by the linguist.

More information available at previous blog post on Ukrainian response

Additional updates are ongoing at:

Topics: translator, interpreter, translation company, directory, jobs

Mike Donlin

Written by Mike Donlin

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