One Minute T&I available in Facebook group Translators & Interpreters ( head of training Paul Urwin has created a series of episodes to discuss topics for translators and interpreters. The episodes will appear as part of the Facebook group Translators & Interpreters ( The audio recording is very short (hence the name!), with the idea that it leads straight into a discussion in the comments. Transcripts from the first two episodes are included here.

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Language jobs from site now on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn language industry jobs can now be added to social network feeds on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Making a living during COVID-19

By now, the entire world knows that the current Covid-19 outbreak has --and will continue to have--  an enormous impact on freelance financial lives. However, language professionals who usually work on-site --interpreters, project managers, teachers-- don't necessarily have to live off savings during the current quarantine. has a few tricks up its sleeve to make money starting this weekend and while at home, and supplement your income during these uncertain times.

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More than 20,000 industry players have already tried Mobile

Since its release in 2016, mobile for Android and iOS has already been installed and tried by more than 20,000 translators, interpreters, clients and others in the language industry --22,792 to be precise!

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Clients are looking for experts - get found!

Pools are specialized groups of screened experts. Each pool gathers different types of professionals depending on the service they offer or the area of the industry they work in.

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