CAT tool use by translators: what are they using?

In the previous post, we took a look at CAT tool use among translators. Now we will delve into this subject some more, examining which tools are being used, how translators are deciding on those tools, favorites, least favorites, and recommendations.

And if you are a reader who likes charts and graphs, you're in luck. 

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CAT tool use by translators: who is using?

Every now and then, the subject of the use of Translation Memories (TMs) and Computer-aided Translation (CAT) tools comes up in the forums and elsewhere. Should you use a CAT tool? Why? Which one? Why (again)? Are there kinds of work where a CAT tool will not be useful?

In a previous State of the industry report for freelance translators, the word on TMs and CAT tools was to take them as "a given." A high percentage of translators use at least one CAT tool, and reports on the increased productivity and efficiency that can accompany their use are solid enough to indicate that, unless the kind of translation work you do by its very nature excludes the use of a CAT tool, you should be using one.

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Most popular blog posts of 2018

Blogs started to appear in this format at the start of 2018. The content at has been used to discuss language industry trends, inform of site enhancements, and sometimes just to share a laugh. 

Of the 98 posts shared in 2018 from 12 different authors, here are the 10 that were most read.


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Choosing the right quality level and cost for translation services

Do you have translation needs? a uniquely effective place to meet capable freelancers and translation companies. Before beginning a search for a translator or translation company, it is important to determine what service is needed, and what is the cost.

This blog post takes some timeless thoughts included in a joint project of members and guests in the Wiki, already eight years old, and repurposes here for today. 

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Business member benefits available for all employees

Recent enhancements at make it easier to connect businesses with their employees. Business employees may each have their own profile, while sharing certain aspects like business identification, membership and ability to act on behalf of a business.

Sharing a general account to achieve business member benefits will no longer be necessary. Business entities will have their own business page with vital organizational information, including a list of representative employees. Profiles will be for freelancers or for representative employees associated to a business entity.

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Congratulations to the winners of the translation mash-up: "Dust Bowl"!

With over 140 entries in more than 40 language pairs, and around 500 votes from very enthusiastic participants in both web and mobile stages, the first translation mash-up is about to end!


Read More community choice awards 2018: voting now open, pick your favorites

Thanks to everyone who made nominations for this, the sixth annual community choice awards. Voting is now open, so be sure to check out the nominees and cast your votes for your favorites in the categories for translation and interpreting at

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Put it in a bowl, add dust and mash it up! is running the first hybrid translation contest, "Dust Bowl". This contest will take place through the website, the Mobile app and the site's Facebook page.

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