Looking to add books to your reading list?

If you’re looking to add some interesting translation-related books to your reading list, ProZ.com books may be the best place to look.

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Watch the #LocNowAndFuture recordings on ProZ.com/TV

On June 15, ProZ.com/TV hosted the first #LocNowAndFuture, a virtual event centered around the changes COVID-19 has brought and the challenges that will arise in the localization sector in this “new normal”.


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Translation industry resources during the COVID-19 crisis

A number of translation industry companies have been working on providing a response to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, in order to help out industry professionals all over the world navigate these difficult times.

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Translation A to Z: Agency

Over at the Translators and Interpreters (ProZ.com) Facebook Group, Andrew Morris is going through the "translation alphabet" from A-Z and offering discussions for translators along the way. From time-to-time, those musings will be added to this blog. Often they are modified for a larger audience. Here is a sampling of #TranslationAtoZ_A

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New virtual powwows: Bring colleagues into your home anytime, from anywhere

Interested in meeting up with your colleagues from home? ProZ.com is excited to bring you virtual powwows, where you can hook up with your colleagues - even during this time of social distancing. 

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Making a living during COVID-19

By now, the entire world knows that the current Covid-19 outbreak has --and will continue to have--  an enormous impact on freelance financial lives. However, language professionals who usually work on-site --interpreters, project managers, teachers-- don't necessarily have to live off savings during the current quarantine. ProZ.com has a few tricks up its sleeve to make money starting this weekend and while at home, and supplement your income during these uncertain times.

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A history of women making change through translation

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th, to commemorate Russian women's winning of the vote in 1917, after organizing a four-day strike that forced the Czar to abdicate. But the first Women's Day observance, called National Woman's Day, was actually held on February 28th, 1909, in New York City, organized by socialist activist Theresa Malkiel, a labor organizer and educator. Today, International Women's Day demonstrations are still largely protests against the oppression and inequality that women are subjected to.


Covers for The First Wife by Paulina Chizianc, One of Us is Sleeping by Josefine Klougart, and The Lying Life of Adults by Elena Ferrante

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The people behind ProZ.com: Henry Dotterer, President (Part Two)

Over at the Translators and Interpreters (ProZ.com) Facebook Group, there are plans for a series of weekly posts introducing you to the people behind ProZ.com. Some of them you may have come across, while others have remained in the shadows… until now! In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll get to know all of them in turn.

In part 1 of Henry's story, we saw how a moment in the company of Mona Lisa sparked a flash of inspiration that led to some research which resulted in a dream…

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The people behind ProZ.com: Henry Dotterer, President (Part One)

Over at the Translators and Interpreters (ProZ.com) Facebook Group,  there are plans for a series of weekly posts introducing you to the people behind ProZ.com. Some of them you may have come across, while others have remained in the shadows… until now! In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll get to know all of them in turn.
When most of us are faced with change, or a new set of circumstances, we adapt in small ways, work round the new developments, try not to let them upset our routines too much. But there are some people who look at exactly the same situation and see the potential for a different reality altogether, even a way to change the world.
In 1995, a young freelance translator called Henry Dotterer was just about to leave his job at Motorola in Japan and take a trip around the world when one day his co-worker said: “Come here, I want to show you something. It’s called the Internet”.
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Twenty years of fair play: thank you all, moderators!

ProZ.com the website has been around since 1999, and so have those who have volunteered to foster and protect the positive, results-oriented atmosphere of the site: the moderators.

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What does that cat want? (translation contest)

A new translation contest starts today, with a source text in Arabic. The text is from Al-Nazaraat, by Mustafa Lutfi Al-Manfaluti.

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Congratulations winners in the translation contest "Benevolent deception: the placebo button effect"

Hello all,


In the translation contest Benevolent deception: the placebo button effect, the finals stage has come to a close. Winners have been determined in the following language pairs:

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"Human response to a changing industry" talk on Monday at GALA 2019 in Munich

Heading to GALA 2019 in Munich? Henry Dotterer and Jared Tabor of ProZ.com will be giving a talk there on the future of the industry.

The talk, titled "Human Response to a Changing Industry", will be given at 11 a.m. on Monday, March 25. It is in the first session, following the welcome and keynote.

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Contest: Can you help decide which will be the winning translations?

The vote buttons are not a placebo! They work!


In the current translation contest, Benevolent deception: The placebo button effect, some language pairs are in the Qualifications phase. For these language pairs, participants can provide ratings for Quality of writing and for Accuracy of translation next to each entry: 


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Becoming a successful international translator

André Lisboa is an English - Portuguese translator based in Brazil. He is a ProZ.com member, and member of the Certified PRO Network (CPN). He has been working in the translation industry for over 25 years now, and has recently published a book, How to Become a Successful International Translator. In the book, he discusses some translation basics like resources and CAT tools, and also goes into detail on marketing, building a portfolio, time and resource management, and other subjects. The English edition of the book includes an interview with Ofer Tirosh, CEO of Tomedes Translations, on the translation industry in general, and what they look for when they hire new linguists.

I interviewed André about How to Become a Successful International Translator, and his thoughts on translation and the industry:

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