Giving Tuesday Donation Drive Succeeds in Bringing Together the Community

Another fantastic virtual event, dedicated to celebrating 2021’s edition of Giving Tuesday Day at, took place from November 30th- December 2nd. It featured over 7 hours of free content, a networking session, and giveaways.

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Sending holiday cards to your clients

As a freelancer, you are likely booked out with year-end projects and your own personal events, but maybe it is time to add one more thing to your to-do list -  holiday cards.

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Holiday gift ideas for freelancers

Are you a freelancer looking for fun and functional gift ideas to share with loved ones this holiday season? When you work from home, there are a number of gifts you can ask for that will aid your freelancing career and make the holiday extra fun! This blog post includes a few favorite categories and ideas to share with you. 

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Translation Postcards: Donika Nasto, DE/EN>AL translator in Pogradec, Albania

When Donika Nasto was growing up in rural Albania, chewing gum was a scarce luxury, and you could only sink your teeth into an orange at New Year. The only bread available tasted so bad it needed toasting to be palatable. And the clothes you wore were likely to be hand-me-downs from older cousins…

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Does word of mouth work for you as a freelancer?

As a freelancer, you might be wondering if word of mouth works for you. Most freelancers are entirely remote, isolated from the coming and goings of the average business, which means that it's less likely that they will get word-of-mouth conversion clients. But is that true? Not at all! Here are some ideas of how to get word of mouth business.

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Translation Postcards: Emilie Himeur, EN/IT>FR translator in Genoa, Italy

In the age of digital nomadism, upping sticks and seeking out a new place to live, along with all the novel experiences that go with it, is an option open to all. But perhaps as translators, armed with our language gifts and proven cultural adaptability, we are particularly well-suited to such a choice. We can look at a map, stick a pin in it, and pretty much decide where we want to make our new home. Which is exactly what Emilie Himeur did one fine day. As a French native speaker working from English, she indulged a deeply felt longing to live by the sea, coupled with a need for some sunshine, a beautiful language and a quality approach to life (not to mention an economic context less challenging than those of France or England) … and decided on Genoa.

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Strategies for raising your freelancing rates due to inflation

It can be uncomfortable to talk about money when it comes to raising your rates, and freelancers may fear scaring your hard-earned clients off. Unfortunately, inflation is something to include in your business model because it affects daily business and living costs. 

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The answers ranged from “None whatsoever” to “I would not be able to function without it”. But what was the question? 

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How freelancers follow up on jobs

Getting consistent work is one of the most challenging aspects of being a freelancer. Often,  hours are spent pitching to new potential clients, creating quotes and polishing your profile  in the hope that clients will choose you.  This post explores the importance of following up and how to do it to increase your job conversion rates.

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Translation Postcards: Mira Dornakova, EN-CZ translator in Kozlovice, Czech Republic

It takes a certain flexibility to be able to completely change the backdrop of where you live and make the effort to fit in with your new surroundings. Moving between countries is the most obvious example of this for translators – but even within countries there are often stark contrasts between the capital and the provinces, large and small towns, and city and village life. And with stints in San Sebastian and Barcelona under her belt, not to mention life in a small rural Spanish village of fully 27 inhabitants, followed by a return to a slightly bigger village in her native Czech Republic, Mira Dornakova has experienced a real variety of backdrops in her life.

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Tips, tricks and templates for your translation resume

In the fast-paced language industry, it's essential to have a strong and attractive resume always ready to go. Of course, what makes a resume work for one language professional may not do the trick for another, and there's no one-size-fits-all. On the contrary, you should aim to stand out from the crowd: your resume, like your profile, will be more effective if it's personalized.

These suggestions are meant to help you arrive at your ideal resume, or even resumes: plenty of freelancers will have different CVs to use in the various markets they target or to represent their different services. Remember that you should update your resume regularly, so don't stress about landing your perfect CV on the first try —it's likely you'll find something new to improve every time you look at it with fresh eyes.

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Time to get paid: Who pays payment processing fees for freelancers?

When outsourcers and service providers connect via, neither side is charged any commissions or fees. However, to make payments for work provided there is always a cost to getting money from one party to another. They are commonly referred to as payment processing fees.

So who pays these fees?

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Translation Postcards: Christine Strobel, DE>EN translator in Talpe, Sri Lanka

A translator with a cat is nothing new. Or a dog. Even a couple of each. But it’s safe to say that providing a loving home to a mix of no fewer than thirty-two stray animals is pretty remarkable by any standard. And indeed, it’s not all that’s fascinating about German and English translator Christine Strobel.


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Translation Postcards: Raffaella Prati in Ría de Arousa, Spain

Throughout history, the general direction of migration within countries has been from the rural areas to the city. The imperatives of escaping labour on the land or seeking work and a regular wage have driven millions to pack their meagre bags and set out for their national or regional capitals.


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Using the BlueBoard to get clients

Earlier I hinted at a more effective way (at least in my experience) to get clients via ProZ than either responding to ads or polishing your profile to a high shine – important though these are.

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