Translation Postcards: Clair Pickworth in Rémalard-en-Perche, France

Ever thought of slowing things right down? You wouldn’t be the first. Slow food is all the rage in the world’s foodie community, but why restrict yourself to the dining table? There are places where life itself proceeds at a gentle pace, enabling you to smell the coffee, the roses, and sundry other countryside aromas besides!

Read More and MCIS Language Solutions join forces in online training initiative and MCIS Language Solutions have teamed up for online training. Details on the new initiative are available in the press release that appeared on Slator below and as part of an online forum 9am EST / 2pm UK / 3pm Europe at
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Translation Postcards: Lovenah Panray in Quatre-Bornes, Mauritius

Shall we begin with a little geography and history lesson? Mauritius is an island nation in the Indian Ocean about 2,000 km off the south-east coast of Africa (see map on following page). First identified by Arab sailors in 975, it was named “Dina Arobi”. The Dutch took possession of the territory for over a century in 1598, then abandoned it in 1710. The French took control in 1715 and named it Isle de France, but then officially ceded it to Great Britain in 1814, who held it until Independence in 1968.

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Translation Postcards: Lina Berova in Munich, Germany

For someone who loves a combination of city life and natural beauty, Munich is perhaps the perfect place. But that wasn’t the impression Lina Berova first had of the city. Having moved aged 14 with her family to the town of Doebeln in Saxony, she visited Munich in 1998 to see her grandparents, who were already living there. She found it dark, cold and unfriendly…

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Watch the #LocNowAndFuture recordings on

On June 15, hosted the first #LocNowAndFuture, a virtual event centered around the changes COVID-19 has brought and the challenges that will arise in the localization sector in this “new normal”.


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Translation Postcards: Dhanashri Bhate in Pune, India


Milk delivery vans driving by in the early mornings. The thud of newspapers being flung across the fence. The roar of school buses thundering past. Elderly people chanting stotras (hymns of praise) on their morning walks, or with transistors pressed to their ears. Not to mention the speakers blaring out loud music during the many religious festivals. Silence and solitude are rare commodities in India – there’s always someone round the corner, and there’s always hundreds of sounds filling the air.

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Translation Postcards: Ilse Heyrman in Rome, Italy

Coffee, style, history, fare bella figura, fine dining and excellent wine, art on every corner, winding shady streets, palaces and fountains. Beauty everywhere you look, and above all, light. There’s a moment, just before sunset, when the light in Rome becomes golden. More than a mere sunset, the air itself takes on a different hue, and bathes everything it touches in shades ranging from pearl to amber.

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Translation Postcards: Joshua Parker in Ensenada, Mexico

The first thing that hits you is the colour. There’s just so much of it about. Just imagine: one day you wake up and suddenly realise your house or business would look better in lime green and shocking pink. Well, there’s nothing stopping you. Meanwhile in this kaleidoscopic town, the kerbs are painted yellow, red, green and blue to denote different parking zones. It’s quite a shock if you’ve just arrived from grey Brittany in the northwest of France, where your parents had an alpaca farm. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves…

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Translation Postcards: Nikola Ivanov in Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia is full of unexpected surprises. Today’s city of 1.68 million people was but a small town of 11,000 when Bulgaria became independent in 1878, after 500 years of Ottoman rule, and the presence of a colossal quartet of Orthodox church, Catholic cathedral, mosque and synagogue in the centre bears silent witness to its colourful history as a crossroads of cultures, with a reputation for tolerance.

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Translation Postcards: Bonita Kapitany in British Columbia, Canada

Two owls strike up a conversation on either side of the house – an altogether gentler sound than the honking of Canada geese flying overhead as they prepare to land in a nearby lake. In the distance there’s the faint buzz of a neighbour’s chainsaw, while the rumbling of a passing truck or train is carried by the wind from far below. But mostly, you hear the sound of the wind itself, whispering in the trees, but at times whipped up into a howling frenzy, accompanied by a chorus of yipping coyotes. Otherwise, all is absolute silence.

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Translation Postcards: Marlys Estrada in Cardenas, Cuba

It’s early morning. You wake up to the smell of newly baked bread, and the cries of peddlers hawking their merchandise. Living right on the edge of the official economy, they ply the streets on foot or by bike, laden with bags or wooden boxes containing anything that’s worth selling. “Fresh garlic and onion!”, “Clothespegs, brooms and mops!”, “Bleach!” and “Mattress Mender” are among the most common cries.

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Join weekly Thinking Out Loud virtual powwow every Thursday

The weekly "Thinking Out Loud" virtual powwow is brought to you by Andrew Morris for, every Thursday at 3pm CEST (1pm GMT). Morris moderates Facebook group is a French to English translator, Translation Mastermind founder, and has a language agency with 40+ direct clients.

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My client still hasn't paid me! What now? —Part 2

This post is Part 2 of a two-part guide on how to deal with non-payment issues.
If you haven't read it yet, find Part 1 here.

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CafeTran CAT tool available to all paying members during pandemic

Now, and during the Covid-19 pandemic, CafeTran is available in its unlimited version to all paying members, regardless of membership level.

Many thanks go out to Igor at CafeTran for agreeing to make this benefit available to all members. The site team hopes that access to this program will be of use to those who are looking for a CAT tool now.

If you are just getting into translation, or find yourself looking for a new CAT tool at the moment, you may want to consider CafeTran.

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Translation Postcards: Zena Alzinc in Tartus, Syria

Ask your average viewer of the news what comes to mind when you say “Syria”, and you’re unlikely to hear them describe a liberal, cosmopolitan city with an elegant Corniche, a rich culinary tradition, colourful markets groaning with fresh fruit and vegetables, and a 12th-century cathedral. Not to mention the castles, towers, artefacts and ruins of a whole palimpsest of civilisations, from Phoenician to Aramaic and from Canaanite to Christian and Islamic. What’s more, a city surrounded by virginal landscapes of undulating, forested hills, dotted with ancient ruins, and watered by sparkling rivers. But then again, perhaps your average viewer of the news has never seen, or even heard of Tartus.

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