Year 2021 is almost over and the site team would like to thank you for spending it with us!
Read MoreSee what happened at in 2021
Ulrike Michiels, Trados savvy professional trainer, joins Paul Urwin, the Head of Training, to discuss CAT tool basics. Ulrike explains what a CAT tool is and how using a CAT tool can help a translator to increase speed and improve consistency. She also explains what's included in the upcoming Trados workshop.
Read MoreGoodbye 2020! See top 10 blog posts this year
Of the 150 blog posts written by site staff in 2020, it is only fitting that a blog post about the disease that defined 2020, COVID-19, topped the list of most read blog posts. Other popular posts included those about how to position yourself for jobs, ways to improve profiles, explanations of some site features and the most popular from the translation postcard series.
Read offers solutions for help translating terms or short phrases. For help, site members, users and guests can either post a KudoZ question where users will suggest answers or use term search to find these answers through glossaries and previous questions.
Read head of training Paul Urwin has created a series of episodes to discuss topics for translators and interpreters. The episodes will appear as part of the Facebook group Translators & Interpreters ( The audio recording is very short (hence the name!), with the idea that it leads straight into a discussion in the comments. Transcripts from the first two episodes are included here.
Translation industry resources during the COVID-19 crisis
A number of translation industry companies have been working on providing a response to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, in order to help out industry professionals all over the world navigate these difficult times.
Read MoreJoin weekly Thinking Out Loud virtual powwow every Thursday
The weekly "Thinking Out Loud" virtual powwow is brought to you by Andrew Morris for, every Thursday at 3pm CEST (1pm GMT). Morris moderates Facebook group is a French to English translator, Translation Mastermind founder, and has a language agency with 40+ direct clients.
Read MoreTranslation jobs posted here now appearing in Facebook feed
Jobs posted by business members will now also appear on Facebook via the new Translation Jobs page. All members of the language community are invited to like or follow the page to receive updates.
Presently, all jobs with the COVID-19 tag are appearing there. Soon, this offer will be extended to all business members.
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Now, and during the Covid-19 pandemic, CafeTran is available in its unlimited version to all paying members, regardless of membership level.
Many thanks go out to Igor at CafeTran for agreeing to make this benefit available to all members. The site team hopes that access to this program will be of use to those who are looking for a CAT tool now.
If you are just getting into translation, or find yourself looking for a new CAT tool at the moment, you may want to consider CafeTran.
Interested in meeting up with your colleagues from home? is excited to bring you virtual powwows, where you can hook up with your colleagues - even during this time of social distancing.
Read MoreUse updated calculator to determine your freelancing rates
More than ten years ago, released an online rates calculator designed to help you determine the minimum rates required to meet your objectives. Together with forum discussions, the record of average rates reported by the community, and other useful resources such as the the article "Determining your rates and fees as a translator", the rates calculator has proved to be very helpful in answering one of the questions asked more frequently by freelance language professionals: what rates should I charge for...?
My client isn't paying me! What can I do? —Part 1
You already know how to assess a new client and decide if you're comfortable starting a professional relation with them. Unfortunately, clients new and old may sometimes get behind with payments for a number of reasons. From a change of personnel in the finance department, through an inefficient new management software, all the way to cashflow issues; there are a myriad factors that may cause a client who has long been reliable and trustworthy to leave your invoice unpaid.
Read Plus Package benefit: Translation Mastermind on Facebook
Among the many benefits of Plus membership is the chance to take part in the Translation Mastermind group on Facebook. It’s an established community of professionals who enjoy sharing ideas and tips about translation, in a completely troll-free atmosphere. It’s into its fourth year now, an independent entity, but sponsored by from Day 1.
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